

我们很高兴地宣布,《新航道剑桥雅思17》发行了!James Foster(詹姆斯·福斯特)为其中口语和写作试题提供了参考答案。从这系列的11版开始,詹姆斯就已经开始参与编写。他说:“能够帮助此系列书籍的编写,我很开心。我也希望阅读他的人能够有所收获。”我们不久后会将这本最新版的书添加到我们在eduzms.com上的商店。


We are pleased to announce that the New Channel Cambridge IELTS 17 book has been published with the assistance of  James Foster (雅思詹姆斯) providing example answers for both the Speaking and Writing questions.

James has been working on this series since the 11th book and said “I’m very pleased to be able to help with the next in this series of books and hope it helps anyone who reads it”.

We’ll be adding this latest book to our shop soon at eduzms.com.

You can find out more information here.